Sunday, March 30, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008

Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Can you believe it? It took me ten months to finish these socks. This is a great pattern designed by Monkey Toes for Socktopia (God Rest Her Soul), and knit using fabulous yarn dyed by the "Yarn Pirate". The real shame of it is, one sock was done and the other sock has been sitting at the toe decreases for over six months. That's right I said six months. I know, I know, shame on me. I'm just so easily distracted by great patterns, beautiful yarns, and inspirations.
I'm going to try to finish at least one of my WIP's a month. We'll have to wait and see if that actually works.
Monday, March 17, 2008

Sunday, March 16, 2008
Sorry the pics aren't better. I'm working on a better set-up for taking pictures of my projects.
I was so excited last week when I got my first Japanese Amigurumi book from a wonderful etsy seller: ichigonopantsu. It took all the strength I had not to cast on a project right away. But I had another project I wanted to finish first. Once I dove into the book I came across several stumbling blocks. First and foremost, it's in Japanese. The counter to that is that all the patterns are in chart form. Secondly, I had to guess at the yarn weight and hook size. And not being able to read the instructions means I had to wing the toys construction. I think I did an okay job, considering. And it definitely won't deter me from making another project from this book, or ordering more books in the future.
Now I'm off to plan my next project. Will it be another amigurumi? Will it be a new pair of socks? Will it be a lace shawl, or maybe a felted bag? Will it be a dishcloth or scrubbie? Or will I just finish one of my many WIP's. I guess you'll just have to wait and see.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Thursday, March 13, 2008
It took a great deal of will power on my part, but I stuck to my guns and
completed "Ms. Brandy" before I started an Amigurumi from my new book. Isn't she adorable? I think so! As you can see by the ruler next to her, she is barely 4 inches tall. She easily fits in the palm of even my small hand. Ms. Brandy started out as an experiment in gauge. I had already made a "Little Teddy Bear" from the book "Kyuuto! Japanese Craft Amigurumi", but I was not as happy as I thought I could be. The gauge and stuffing on the first bear was a little looser than I liked. So, I purchased a smaller hook, and cast on. She's just a bit smaller than I thought she would be, but the stuffing in her is much firmer. And I really prefer it that way. Her head and body don't get misshaped by my touch.
I have now made a total of seven Amigurumi toys. And I see no end in sight. Especially now that my Japanese Amigurumi Book, vol. 4 has arrived. So off I go to begin on another toy. And thanks for all the nice comments about my little menagerie.
Happy Knitting, Crocheting, Scrapbooking, Quilting, or any/everything you are working on.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Monday, March 10, 2008
I love this title. I don't remember where I first saw it, but it soo fits.
I decided to take a step back from the Amigurumi toys,

Saturday, March 08, 2008
Last night I started another Amigurumi toy. This one I found through one of Ravelry's Amigurumi groups.
Meet "Ms. Limade Kitty" designed by the fabulous Crochet Kitten. I didn't have any felt for the eyes, so it doesn't look exactly like to original design, but I still think she's a cutie.
I used Lily's Sugar & Cream Stripes, Lime Stripes. Unfortunately, the stripes are a lot longer than I thought they would be, so Ms. Kitty is a lot more color segmented than I would have liked. For my next one, I'll definitely find a shorter striped yarn. But even with the couple of issue of I had with her, she is a cutie. Especially holding her crochet hook.
I'm going to take a short break from the toys, at least until my Japanese Amigurumi book arrives. And get back to knitting. I've got several WIP's which need to be attended to. And there are over a hundred projects in my Ravelry Que. I'm not sure how it's going to work out. But I am going to enjoy trying.
It's snowing here again, so I'm going to spend the weekend watching horror movies and knitting. I just got one from Netflix called Severed that will probably be just cheesy enough to be good. I hope everyone has a great weekend.
Friday, March 07, 2008
This has been a very strange week, Amigurumi-wise. The Holiday Frog that I started last Saturday has been kicking my butt. I've frogged it, (pun intended), at least three times. For some reason I couldn't seem to get the gauge right. I had to go out and purchase more hooks. But I think I finally got it right. Now I'm hooking away. Wish me luck!
Would you believe we got MORE snow. The weather reports said 2 to 4 inches on Tuesday. I left Knit Night early, and the drive that should have been 15 minutes and ended up being almost an hour, and the 2 to 4 inches turned into almost 10 inches. I'm so sick of snow. I can't wait for spring to finally appear.
On the strike front, our union went back into negotiations yesterday afternoon. We'll have to wait and see what happens.
I'm off to try to finish my little froggy. Have a great day all!
Sunday, March 02, 2008
I made it through the first week of the strike. Mostly by the grace and great company of my knitting friends. Thanks to you all! Next weeks picket schedule will be a bit hairy for me. I'll be on the line three days this week, from 3am to 7am. I can only imagine how cold it's going to be. But, I think I'm prepared for it. As of yesterday there have been no changes in our status. I do know that our strike has idled at least three GM plants so far. But at the moment, that is not having any effect on negotiations. At least as far as I've been told. I had predicted two weeks to a month for this strike. I may have underestimated the situation, but only time will tell.
Yesterday I met several of the nicest ladies I have met in quite some time. I learned a few things, knit a little, and over-all had a great day. Thanks to these wonderful knitters.
I think I've decided to move the blog over to WordPress. I'm not sure how difficult this is going to be, so if I disappear for a bit rest assured "I'll Be Back!" (sorry, I couldn't resist)